Datang Received Approval to Build High-End New Material Integration Project!


Recently, Datang Duolun high-end new material integration project was approved for registration.


The project is a CNY5.52073bn capital investment, mainly to build a 2.10Mt/a methanol input DMTP unit, along with a 50kt/a alph-olefins unit, a 240kt/a polyolefin elastomer unit, and accessory storage/transport facility, regional substation, chemical warehouse, as well as utility/auxiliary facilities as required. The project would occupy a site of 313.89mu area.


Datang Duolun coal chemical project was put in operation in 2011. It applies Shell powdery coal gasification, Hangzhou Oxidizer internal compression flow ASU, rectisol, Lurgi LP methanol synthesis, Lurgi MTP to propylene, and Dow Chemical UNIPOL polypropylene processes, designed of capacity to produce 1.68Mt/a methanol as intermediate, 460kt/a polypropylene as the finished product, and the side products of  240kt/a efined methanol, 129.5kt/a gasoline, and 66.6kt/a LPG.


ASIACHEM hosted POE, EVA & metallocene polyethylene forum is to be held on Jul 18th-19th 2024 in Zhoushan. The forum would explore and discuss energy chemical & ethylene industry chain policies against carbon peaking/carbon neutral background, high-end downstream product (polyolefins elastomer POE, EVA, metallocene polyethylene etc) market opportunity, new processes & new projects, competition force of different process routes etc.